

The software of Wand can only be used under the following terms and regulations. It is necessary to carefully read these terms beforehand using the services provided by Wand software. Using Wand means that the users have agreed with the following terms, and so any future claims and or objections in this regard are void. Medis Holding may change or update these terms at any point in time; however, the entire changes and updates will be notified through the website, email announcement or in-software notification. Continuing using the software after a change or update in the terms means that the user has accepted the new terms.

Article1; the definitions and expressions used in the following terms of use sheet are defined as follows:
  1. Medis Holding: The group of Medis Companies (Multi-Engineering Disciplines Innovative Science) which is in charge of provision of services provided by Wand software.
  2. Wand: A service provision software developed and published by Medis Holding for introduction of mobile services with no need for reading or typing for those who are not able to write or read.
  3. Application: the software of Wand belongs to Medis Holding but a temporary usage right is given to the users under the agreed-upon conditions and the present document.
  4. User: a legal or real entity which can be both a real or legal person who connects with the Wand application through the internet.
  5. Users: in this document the real or legal persons who downloaded the app and registered in are referred to as users.
  6. User account: an account that users register in Wand application to use the services provided by Wand.
  7. Confidential Information: the information provided to Wand by users, including both information directly put into Wand and information that is automatically and as a result of using the services of Wand revealed to Medis Holding, this information may include service provision time, location of services, location of the users and etc.
  8. Laws and Regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran: the constitution, normal laws, executive statutes, regulations, instructions and the entire legal conditions governing the contract subject.
Article 2; User Account:
  1. In order to become a member of Wand and use the services provided by it, users are required to create a user account.
Article 3; The software of Wand, is totally gratuitous, free of cost and has been published under the name of Medis Holding.
Article 4; Intellectual Property Rights and Intellectual Property of Wand Application (including name, trademark, services provided under this trademark and etc.) are Owned by Medis Holding and Resultantly:
  1. Users are only allowed to make limited and non-exclusive use of Wand application under the terms and conditions of the present contract, while their usage does not give them any ownership or other intellectual property related rights regarding Wand application, and also does not allow them to use the brand name, trademark and or logo of Wand application.
  2. Users cannot change, reproduce or rewrite Wand application , or use it to develop a similar application.
  3. Users are not allowed to use and operate Wand application unless under the terms detailed in the present document, and are not allowed to sell, transfer or publicly exhibit Wand application.
  4. Users cannot achieve unauthorized access to any of the services, programs and the network concerning the servers, and are not allowed to make any such efforts; users are also unallowed to discover the high-level codes or language of the application’s machine through reverse engineering or such methods.
  5. Users are not allowed to duplicate the application or use a part of the application in another application.
Article 5; User’s General Commitments
  1. The users are held responsible for the entire activities of their user accounts; hence it is necessary that users take the necessary precautions regarding preserving their user account information including their username and password; in addition, users are required to change their password if they suspect that their account is being used by an unauthorized user, and also if necessary, the original user must notify Medis Holding about the situation so that the Holding will suspend the account.
  2. Users are committed to abide the laws of Islamic Republic of Iran while using Wand application; they are also committed to use the application for legal purposes and avoid actions that would put the credibility of Wand application and Medis Holding under question. Users are responsible for any actions that would cause any financial or life damages, and Medis Holding will not have any responsibility in this regard.
  3. Users are only allowed to use Wand to satisfy their personal needs and must avoid selling or making commercial use of its services. In case of such violations, the violator(s) will be charged four times the expense of provided services. In addition, receiving this fee does not deprive Medis Holding from filing a formal complaint. It is obvious that this section does not include legal entities who register user accounts in Wand as customers according to section 1-1 of the present document.
Article 6; Commitments of Medis Holding
  1. Medis Holding is committed to try to provide high quality services and tries to do its best in this context through updating the software in correspondence to users’ needs.
  2. Wand is committed to preserve the privacy of users
  3. Medis Holding is committed to announce the entire changes, amendments and additions to Wand through the application, SMS, or E-mail; although users can discontinue receiving SMS services at any time; however once done the Holding of Medis is no longer responsible for any interferences that may occur.
  4. Medis Holding will have no responsibility regarding third parties who may cause defects in users’ user accounts.
  5. Medis Holding cannot guarantee that Wand application will run on all devices with varying hardware and software.
Article 7; Governing Law and Dispute Settlement Manner
  1. The present contract is in all senses abiding to the laws and regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran and in case of occurrence of any problems, the sides of the contract will firstly try to settle the dispute peacefully and through discourse; however, if it was not successful, the dispute will be settled by referring the case to judicial authorities of Tehran.